Total knee replacement is an excellent procedure for those suffering from a damaged joint due to a severe injury or a degenerative condition like arthritis. If you are about to get a total knee replacement, it is important to know what to expect following the procedure. Along with rest, a slow return to your normal […]
Knee Replacement Surgery near me
Undergoing total knee replacement surgery is a major decision that can go a long way to helping you restore your mobility and reclaim an active lifestyle. However, the success of your surgery and speedy recovery often hinges on another factor – your choice of a skilled and qualified surgeon. Naturally, you want a surgeon with […]
Total Joint Replacement After a Sports Injury
Knees that are extensively damaged by a sports injury make it difficult to stand and walk, much less perform an activity that requires greater mobility. To anyone, particularly those who play sports, this can feel like a life sentence. Since functional and pain-free knees are needed to move freely, orthopedic specialists may recommend a total […]
When Is Total Joint Replacement Recommended?
Having a total joint replacement is most often recommended for people who have advanced arthritis in the joint – so advanced that it causes chronic or debilitating pain. This is most often due to osteoarthritis, or wear-and-tear arthritis (or just “arthritis”), in which the protective cartilage in the joint has worn down to the point […]
Acute Knee Pain and Chronic Knee Pain: There’s a Difference
Your knee is a vital joint that supports much of your weight. Most of the time, you don’t usually need to give your knees a second thought. However, the constant pressure on the knees makes them vulnerable to disease and injury, causing varying degrees of pain or decreased functionality. Although knee pain comes in many […]
Total Joint Replacement Post-Op Care
Total joint replacement surgery is generally meant to accomplish two main things: (1) to help you regain function in that joint, and (2) to reduce or eliminate your pain. After the surgery, you’ll want to take certain steps to keep yourself comfortable while you recover fully. The following are a few things you can expect […]
An Overview of Total Joint Replacement
If you’re like most people, you might think of joint replacement as a modern medical miracle when, in fact, it has been performed by orthopedic surgeons since the early 20th century. What is significant, however, is the advancements that have been made in total joint replacement technology in recent decades, enabling millions of people who […]
Common Types of Total Joint Replacement
Joint replacement surgery refers to highly advanced surgical procedures that replace damaged joints to relieve pain and restore joint function and mobility. It is often recommended after all conservative methods of treatment have been exhausted and fail to bring relief. Joint replacement is a safe and effective solution that offers long-term relief from chronic joint […]