Financial Assistance
North Country Orthopaedic Group, P.C. provides emergency and/or other medically necessary care, without discrimination, to all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Who is eligible for Financial Assistance?
Patients who are uninsured and under-insured, whose family income is less than or equal to 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
How much Financial Assistance will an eligible patient receive?
The discount is dependent on the patient’s household income in relation to the Federal Poverty Level.
The discounts range from 20% discount down to Nominal fees as determined by NYS DOH.
Nominal Fee guidelines provided by the NYS Department of Health
Ambulatory Surgery - $150/Procedure
Office/Clinic Services - $15/Visit
What is the application process?
The patient or guardian fills out a one-page application providing the following information, including a list of all the household members and income verification.
Income verification:
- Most recent pay stub
- Unemployment stub
- Social Security, disability, or retirement award letter(s)
Return application with documentation within 30 days of receiving it to:
North Country Orthopaedic Group, P.C.
Credit Counselor
1571 Washington Street, Suite 201
Watertown, New York 13601
Where is the Application available?
or in person at any reception area
or call the office at (315) 782-1650
or calling the Credit Counselor’s number on your billing statement at (315) 836-2113