Knees that are extensively damaged by a sports injury make it difficult to stand and walk, much less perform an activity that requires greater mobility. To anyone, particularly those who play sports, this can feel like a life sentence. Since functional and pain-free knees are needed to move freely, orthopedic specialists may recommend a total […]
Why Would Someone Need Total Joint Replacement?
The idea of having surgery always sounds intimidating, especially when prosthetic materials are involved. However, orthopedic surgeons perform so many of these operations today that the results are becoming more and more consistent, and the patients are more and more pleased with the results. You can get your knee back. Or your shoulder, hip, wrist, […]
What Is Physical Medicine?
Rehabilitation is essential to ensure proper recovery after an illness and maximize a patient’s independence in doing tasks. Patient rehabilitation can be done with physical therapy and physical medicine. Physical therapy aims to help patients regain their mobility and strength after an incident or surgery using hands-on, manual movements, such as exercise and stretches. On […]
Which Joints Can Be Replaced With Artificial Joints?
For painful, worn-out, or otherwise damaged joints, artificial joint replacement (arthroplasty) is an effective solution. An artificial joint, by definition, is a plastic, ceramic, or metal prosthesis or prosthetic joint that is implanted to replace a damaged or diseased natural joint. What Joints Do Orthopedic Surgeons Replace? The hip joint, knee joint, and shoulder joint […]
Are You a Candidate for Total Joint Replacement?
Total joint replacement surgery – also called joint arthroplasty – is an amazingly effective remedy for major joints that have been harmed by injury, overuse, arthritis, and other degenerative or traumatic conditions. For many people, it is the only solution that works to fix debilitating joint pain caused by arthritis, especially knee arthritis and hip […]
Advances in Joint Replacement Surgery
If you are experiencing quality-of-life issues due to severe arthritis and have been on an extensive course of conservative intervention but without success, a joint replacement surgery (arthroplasty) could be the life-changing solution you’re looking for. Below are the significant advances in joint replacement surgery that will encourage you to discuss the treatment option with […]
Joint Replacement Surgery Recovery: Preparation and Expectation
Joint replacement surgery is a procedure that involves an orthopedic surgeon removing a part of or all of the arthritic or damaged joint and replacing it with prosthetic components to relieve pain, restore normal joint function, and improve the patient’s quality of life. Also referred to as arthroplasty, joint replacement surgery is typically a last-resort […]
How Physical Therapy Can Improve Your Health
Physical therapy is not only imperative in the healing process after having major surgery, but it can also be a highly effective treatment to address various health conditions and injuries. Plus, it can help you to prevent the need for surgery in the future. Let’s talk about some of the major ways in which physical […]
Carpal Tunnel Surgery: Is It a Fairly Simple Procedure?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a progressive condition that occurs when the median nerve – one of the major nerves that provides the hand its sensation and muscle movement– is compressed or entrapped and cannot function properly. CTS can cause pain, weakness, shock-like and tingling sensations, and numbness that can radiate up the forearm, rendering […]
A Visit to The Orthopedist: What You Need to Know
If you’re experiencing symptoms of a musculoskeletal condition or injury (one that affects your bones, joints, or soft tissues) and your primary care physician deems that you need specialized care, they will refer you to an orthopedist. Just like meeting with any other type of healthcare professional, it is helpful to know that expect at […]