The skeletal system is the supporting framework of the human body. It also protects the organs, anchors the muscular infrastructure, and contains vital calcium and bone marrow – the breeding-ground of blood cells. In a continuous physiological process, bones build up and break down throughout an individual’s lifespan. The skeleton is at peak strength and […]
Why Do Bunions Form?
Our toes help maintain balance and bear body weight. It is important to keep them healthy and in alignment. But the alignment is thrown off when a bunion forms – which also causes chronic pain and has an impact on daily functioning. A bunion (hallux valgus) is a deformity of the bone in the big […]
When Can I Exercise After an Ankle Fracture?
Whether it’s a misstep into a pothole on the city streets or ignoring the pain of running marathons until it was too late – an ankle fracture, or break, can be a major setback for those who suffer from it. Swelling, pain, reduced range of motion, decreased strength, and decreased balance are common impairments after […]
Conditions in Your Cervical Spine that Could Be Causing Neck Pain
The cervical spine is a complex structure of bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves in the neck area. It originates at the base of the skull and forms the top of the spinal column as seven vertebrae – C1 through C7 – providing strength, stability, mobility, and nerve communication. Cervical spine problems usually develop over […]
Common Orthopedic Conditions Caused by Poor Posture
We’ve all been there – you walk by a mirror and suddenly catch a glimpse of your posture, and you’re a bit hunched over. “Goodness,” you think, “I really need to stand up straight!” Most of us have always known that a slumped posture isn’t good for our health. In fact, a less-than-straight spine can […]
Do I Need a Full or Partial Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is recommended for severely damaged joints due to conditions such as osteoarthritis. Whether or not you need a knee replacement – and which type you need, full or partial – goes beyond the severity of the symptoms you’re experiencing. Your orthopedic doctor can determine the location and […]
The Complete Guide to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is most often associated with the overuse of your hands and wrists. While tired, sore hands and wrists may be one particular sign of the condition, carpal tunnel syndrome is an incredibly severe condition that requires treatment and adjustments to prevent nerve damage. What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal tunnel syndrome most […]