Physical therapy is a great tool to use when you need to improve your orthopedic health. It is often used in addition to other treatments. Here are 8 ways physical therapy can help your body.
Become More Flexible
Physical therapy is a great way to increase your flexibility. When you are not physically active or don’t stretch on a regular basis, your tendons, ligaments, and muscles can tighten up. This can cause you pain when you move too much and limit your motions. Physical therapy is a great way to increase your flexibility so you are more agile and can move better.
Strengthen Your Body
Physical therapy also has a strengthening component to it. Even though it is done in a safe and gradual manner, physical therapy can help strengthen your muscles so you experience less pain. This is particularly helpful for conditions that cause weak bones or joints.
People with arthritis benefit tremendously from physical therapy. Their weak joints hurt because of the weight of their body and pressure on the joints from movement. By strengthening the area through physical therapy, these patients see significant improvement in their pain symptoms.
Increase Endurance
If you get tired very quickly after a short walk, a trip to the grocery store, or even while doing chores, you may have weak endurance. Physical therapy can help improve this. By doing physical therapy on a regular basis, you can build up your endurance so you have the ability to be physically active more often and for longer periods of time.
Improve Balance
Balance problems can be a dangerous issue. A lot of people have balance problems following an injury or surgery. Physical therapy works on dealing with this issue. Physical therapy exercises help improve your balance so you can stand and walk without the fear of falling and hurting yourself.
Increase Range of Motion
Can you bend your wrist, elbow, knee, or ankle to its fullest capacity? Can you bend your back or move your shoulder as much as you would want to? If the answer is no, you may have a reduced range of motion. This can happen after an injury or surgery, due to orthopedic issues, or lack of strength and flexibility. No matter what the reason behind your limited range of motion, physical therapy can help you improve it. This will make you more agile and help you feel your best.
Recover From Surgery or Injury
Physical therapy is a great resource after injury or surgery. Exercising and remaining active is a big problem after such an event. However, these activities are crucial to get you back on your feet. Physical therapists are trained to help patients of all ages with every orthopedic condition you can think of. They will help you get better through safe and effective exercises and treatments customized to your condition, pain level, and preference. Physical therapists also work closely with your doctors to ensure they are all on the same page when it comes to your care.
Reduce Chronic Pain
A lot of people deal with chronic pain for a variety of reasons. Chronic pain can be caused by an injury, post-surgery, or due to a medical condition. No matter what the cause is, physical therapy can help you control your chronic pain symptoms. Physical therapists will recommend treatments and exercise specific to the issue causing your pain.
Improve Lifestyle
Physical therapy can help you make lifestyle changes that are affecting your body negatively. A lot of our daily habits take a toll on our bodies. For example, not exercising regularly can cause a host of health issues. Physical therapy encourages you to be active on a regular basis, which can improve your health in a lot of ways.
Physical therapists can also pinpoint if you are doing something incorrectly. For example, are you slouching? Do you spend hours on your phone with your neck in a downward position? These things can have a negative effect on your back. In this way, physical therapy can help pinpoint changes you can make to improve your health.
Physical Therapy and Orthopedic Care in Watertown, New York
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of physical therapy and if it is right for you, contact the experts at North Country Orthopaedic Group. To make an appointment, call (315) 782-1650 or request an appointment online.